
Vasarely Blanket (ongoing project) update #7

Continuing to stitch this blanket together.  So far weaving in the ends is the most annoying part (like I predicted).  My plan is to try and stitch all the diamonds I've already created together, then crochet the remaining diamonds to finish off the blanket.  It's looking like the estimates I made aren't that accurate because I still have about 30-ish or more diamonds more to crochet and the blanket seems bigger than I estimated already.  Man, I'm very bad at gauging my projects!  I still think it looks great, considering I didn't do any blocking (bad at doing this, too).  There is some puckering at some parts where I stitched which bothers me, so I plan to redo these sections.

Planning to finish this by the end of the year  Hopefully!

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