
Rolled Hem

To continue with trying to use up my fabric stash, I had this awesome polka dot bit of fabric I wanted to make a neck scarf with.  All I needed to do was finish the edges, so today I learned how to do a rolled hem by hand, since it is a more delicate fabric. My eyes hurt. Next time I'm going to buy the sewing foot made specifically for rolled hems and just use the machine.  Nonetheless its a great skill to have when finishing a project.


Sewing Machine Cover

One of my goals for this month, craft-wise, is to use up more of my fabric stash.  Making a dust cover for my sewing machine was on my list of stuff to make, so I figured I'd bust one out this week.  It's a simple project, but a cover for your machine is necessary because dust really settles into your machine, man.  It's a serious problem (not really). Dust combined with the sewing machine oil gets all gunky. Having a dust cover keeps it pretty.

Anyways,  I decided to use two types of fabric (contrast!), because I wanted to match my chair cover for matchy matchy crafty room kitschiness.  It's kinda tacky, but I feel like the craft room/station is the only place you can decorate all crazy and get away with it.  I was about to add hot pink rickrack trim but I totally forgot about it and already sewn the side panels. 

Dimensions for the finished project were 7x15x14.  I cut out 2 panels for the sides (8x15), 2 panels for the front and back (16x15), and one for the top (16x8), 1 inch added for seam allowance. Easy peasy!

Matchy match, with leftover polka dot fabric to spare.  What else can I make to get rid of this fabric?!


Vasarely Blanket Update #9: LAST UPDATE! YAY!

Update! Haha yeaaaaaaas!

That's right, you guys. I did it.  It took me over a year, but I finished the damn thing.  I finished stitching everything together a while back, but weaving in the ends (weaving in the ends of things is the WORST) and crocheting a border around the whole thing was agonizing so obviously those tasks were dragged out.

ok, now what? because I am definitely not making a blanket ever again.

if you would like to make your own vasarely style blanket, this is the source of the pattern I followed: Le Blog Purple